Grief And Loss
When we reference grief, we often associate it with the loss of a loved one as a result of death. Unfortunately, there are many other things that cause grief. Listed below are several other situations that cause us to experience grief:
Loss Of A Pet
Job Loss/Temporary Layoffs/Demotions
Ending Relationships/Divorce
Financial Problems/Bankruptcy
Family And Friends Moving Away
The Empty Nest
Physical Injury
Sexual Abuse/Rape
Aging/Illness/Chronic Pain/Disability
Extreme Disappointment
Natural Disasters/Catastrophes
“Church” Hurt
Everyone grieves differently so there are many other losses people experience that are not listed. We should never underestimate anyone’s grief or what made them experience that grief. Sure, there may be certain grief that are considered worse than others, but “grief is grief”. I encourage you to allow admit to yourself that you are experience grief. Grief if a process so allow yourself to go through the stages. It may not seem like it now, but it is possible to feel joy after grief. Heal through your pain. Believe that it is possible. Achieve peace of mind.